5 Things To Help With Daily Productivity

Luke F Shepherd
7 min readDec 30, 2020
Be as happy as this dude presumably is (Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash)

It’s the end of the year!

(Insert meme of how terrible 2020 has been and how much we aren’t going to miss it here)

Whilst most of us will be glad to see the back of this bizarre ‘write off’ of a year, unfortunately, the uncertainty looks to be rolling forward for at least the short term in 2021. For a lot of us, this means spending more time at home and more self-motivation than we might be used to.

Having a sense of stability in our day to day is vital for improving our mental health, and giving a feeling of progression, even as the world stagnates around us.

Making grand plans for self-improvement is big vibes this time of year. I’d still encourage that, and will be thinking hard about my goals for 2021. But as the last year showed whilst kicking our butts- planning for the future is sometimes tricky.

With that in mind, I wanted to focus on daily tips instead. Going into the new year you might find yourself with a lot of time on your hands, or you might be looking to make the most of your ‘free’ days. Here are some easy things that can help ensure you don’t spend the first half of 2021 playing Cyberpunk day after day (Here’s looking at you, me) and get yourself working on the projects you want to be working on.

1. Make a Morning Routine



Luke F Shepherd

UK based writer. Writing mostly about my journey with self-improvement, happy if it makes others smile along the way.