Create Your Space

Why your environment matters, particularly at times like this.

Luke F Shepherd
6 min readOct 17, 2020
Full Disclosure — This is not my workspace… *Sigh* One day. (Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash)

The future looks bleak right now, I know it does. In times like these, it’s important to take control of the things you can, whilst everything else floats in a sea of uncertainty.

One often-overlooked island of control that we have is our own space. If you’re anything like me the pandemic will have seen you spending far more time at home than you might have been used to. Whilst establishing a workspace in your living space can be challenging, it can also be extremely satisfying. Done right, you can end up with a little den of your own that you actively enjoy spending time in. Here are a few things I’ve found useful to consider.

Aesthetics Matter

Try to envision yourself ‘being productive’ in ‘your space’. Look around, can you get a sense of what this productive space looks like? Figure out what steps you can take now to build it. Anything you can do/buy/create now to bring it closer to reality.

Maybe you enjoy having plants around you? A particular shade of light? Relaxing smells, headphones with binaural beats. Perhaps pictures on the wall, the position in the room, the look and feel of the mug you sip your beverage from? Whatever it is that you think of when you think of your perfect…



Luke F Shepherd

UK based writer. Writing mostly about my journey with self-improvement, happy if it makes others smile along the way.